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Notice of Race

The Bali International Sailing Regatta is organized under the auspices of the Indonesia Sailing Federation and Bali Sailability. The organizing authority is the Bali Sports Foundation with the Royal Bali Yacht Club The venue is the RBYC Serangan (Turtle Island) Bali.


The regatta is open to boats of Hansa (Access) Dingy 2.3class. To promote sailing in the region, the Hansa (Access) dingy 2.3 class will be offer Charter boats.


Click here to download the full notice of race document. 


3. Eligibility and Entry

3.1 The regatta is open to boats of the Hansa 2.3 class 1 Mixed               Class

3.2 Each athlete should  be internationally classified with either a ‘Review’           or ‘Confirmed’ sport class status, however new countries are                    exempt.

3.3 Each athlete shall be a national of the country of the NPC that is               entering him or her.

3.4 A nation must have a Member National Authority (MNA) or RNA that is       a financial member of World Sailing or IFDS to enter an athlete.

3.5 Final entries shall be received by the Organizing Authority no later             than 1st October 2016 24:00 (GMT +8).


The Entry Fee at USD $ 450. shall be paid no later than 5th October 2016 24.00 (GMT +8) at Bank Account  


Entry fee includes:

  • 6 nights accommodation in a wheelchair friendly hotel about 15-20 mins from Royal Bali Yacht Club

  • Checkin 11 October

  • Checkout 17 October

  • Airport pickup and drop off

  • All transport - Hotel - Marina - Hotel

  • 11 meals 

  • Presentation Beach Party

  • Use of Access 2.3's 

  • Crew to help in and out of dinghies and rigging

  • Event T-shirt




6. Venue, instructions and Launching
6.1 The sailing instructions will be available at registration.
6.2 The regatta headquarters and launching and docking for all boats will be at       the RBYC Venue. See Attachment.

1.1 The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing             Rules of Sailing (RRS).

1.2 The following rules shall apply:

1.3 World Sailing Functional Classification System and Procedures 2013-         2016

1.4 World Sailing Race Management Manual 2013-2016 (RMM) part 1 revised May 2016

1.5 Hansa 203 (Access) dingy 2.3 Class Rules

1.6 Appendix P of the RRS (immediate Penalties for breaking RRS 42)

1.7 The Equipment Rules of Sailing shall apply.

1.8 The World Sailing Sailor Classification Code (Regulation 22) shall               apply.

1.9 If there is a conflict between languages, the English text will take             precedence.


2. Advertising

2.1 The World Sailing Advertising code, Regulation 20 shall apply.

2.2 Boats may be required to display identification numbers and                     sponsors advertising for the duration of the event in accordance               with World Sailing Regulation 20.4. These items will be supplied free         of charge by the Organizing Authority (OA) at registration.

4. Registration

4.1 All competitors, coaches and support personnel shall complete on             site check-in at the Regatta Office, which  will open on 11 October             onwards to 17  October 2016. Opening hours 0900 – 1800hrs.


5. Measurements 

5.1 Each boat shall produce a valid measurement certificate upon                   registration

5.2 During the regatta checks on conformity with class rules, including           measurement requirements may be made.

5.3 In accordance with RRS G3, a boat chartered or loaned for this event         may carry national letters or a sail number in contravention of the             Class Rules.


Contact BSF

© 2016 by Bali Sports Foundation

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Open 6 days a week:

Monday-Friday  9am-5pm

Saturday  9am-4pm

Sundays  Closed


Our office is located at the

Jalan Waribang,Gang Titibatu 1A 



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